
Indicators are the “bobber” for fly fishing. Just like there are different size bobbers, there are many types of indicators. Some are made of yarn for a soft splash on the water so not to spook fish. Most common is a foam type. The size and shape used is personal preference but it does have to be large enough to float your fly / sinkers. I use a large one most of the time so I can see it. Ha.

I do like to use a very large indicator in fast water even with small #18 flies. Here is why: With the current being fast, and the fish being stationary, the DRAG RESISTANCE of the current on the very large indicator at the time of the strike, assists with the hookset. Many times, the fish will already be on the line before I have time to react and set the hook myself.

Once you try a few indicators, you will like one over the next and then you pretty much use that type / brand for all your needs, varying the size as needed. The yarn is a great indicator to use but it is a bit limited with the weight it can support and riffles can sink them easily.


Choosing a reel


Choosing the right fly rod